Real Church, Real People, Real Simple

Here's What We Value

We are believers who strive to make Jesus Christ central in our lives. We desire to know Jesus, His love, His grace and His power in all we do. Around Him revolves all of our vision, values, priorities, practices and goals. He is Lord of all. Above all, we want to be a church where Jesus is present and His Kingdom is advanced as more and more become His followers.

Diverse, Yet United…
We are a movement seeking to be Christians only, but not the only Christians. We come from many walks of life and many rich religious traditions. However, our unity is found in Jesus, not in a creed or confession. As we draw closer to Christ, we become closer to one another. We believe that wherever God has a child, we have a brother or sister.

Although there are more than 6,000 churches worldwide who call themselves “Christian Church” or “Church of Christ,” we are not a denomination, have no denominational headquarters, and follow no creed, tradition, or statement of faith beyond the clear teachings of the Word of God. We do not claim to be the only people who can understand and obey the Word of God and claim no superiority to other believers or churches.

Bible Believing…
We believe the Bible is the absolute Word of God and teaches all that is necessary for salvation and maturity. We want to be a church that models the simplicity and purity of the original Church of the New Testament in all that we say and do. We will never ask more of our members than what God asks of them in His Word. While we all have traditions, opinions, or preferences, we require of our members, only what the Bible teaches for all Christians.

Worshiping People…
Our first priority as a people of God is to worship Him as an expression of our love. We desire to be a church in which people profoundly encounter Jesus Christ in worship and in the Word. Worship is a time of self-disclosure with God. It is a time of humility, true repentance, joy and celebration as we experience His presence among the people.

A Caring Family…
We value community, commitment, informality, acceptance, freedom, fellowship and fun with one another as we live together as the Body of Christ. We believe in the family, and are here to equip families to walk in God’s grace and raise godly children. We want to be a church that actually devotes a large share of it’s time, energy and money to serve the needs of our youth.  

Growing Disciples…
We believe that every Christian must grow in knowledge and maturity and that this growth will always be seen in our actions, behavior, morals, values and ethics.  We believe that Christian maturity happens best when believers meet regularly in a Christian small group and we encourage every member to find a small group as soon as possible.    

Spirit Led Servants…
We seek to be responsive to the leading of God’s Spirit in our lives and in what we do as a church.  We believe the Spirit has given all Christians abilities to serve others in the church and special gifts of leadership to those who seek to oversee this church with humility and grace.  We believe, every Christian has something of value to offer and we expect them to be servants who serve in God’s Family at Community, and in our local communities.     

People of Excellence and Integrity…
We desire to do all things to the glory of God and to the best of our ability.  We wish to be a church whose every endeavor is marked by excellence, integrity and love.  We seek to be completely truthful, consistent and open with God, each other, and with ourselves.  We treat each other with mutual respect, open communication and speaking the best about each other.  

People of Prayer…
We seek to be a church characterized by prayer.  Through prayer, we seek genuine intimacy and communion with God.  We realize that prayer is not easy, or meant to be an instant cure to the situations we face in life, yet, we witness that God still moves in powerful ways when His people pray united and in His will.  

Ready for Change…
We believe that Christ’s Church is entering a period of growth and excitement that has not happened since the Church began 2,000 years ago!  Without compromising our biblical heritage, we believe we must be flexible enough to present the never changing truth about Jesus to a culture that seems to change by the minute!   

Real, Relevant People…
We want to be a church where things are so clearly and reasonably articulated that they make sense to anyone wanting to know more about Jesus.  We want to be a church where all people can take off religious masks and find real fellowship at the foot of the cross.  We don’t do anything for “religious effect.”  We want every expression, be it speech, music, architecture, or manner, to be genuine, non-hyped, natural and real.  We want to use music, language and methods that are culturally relevant.  We want to operate in an informal, relaxed, enjoyable way and, frankly, we prefer to have fun while we serve Jesus Christ!

Our Values

Community Christian is part of a non-denominational unity movement which seeks to restore in the church the purity and simplicity of the New Testament church.  We believe the closer we come to Jesus the closer we will be to each other. We believe God's Kingdom is advancing in this world, and we want to take part in what God is doing today!  Here are some of our guiding principles!

"To restore unity in the church by a return to the simplicity and purity of the New Testament Church."

"To require nothing more for membership than what Christ requires for salvation."

"To speak only where the Bible speaks; to speak the truth in love."

"To be Christians only, but not the only Christians."

"In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things, love."