Dr. Daniel Turner, Pastor

In a time
of unprecedented religious confusion, our Pastor, Dr. Daniel A. Turner loves to talk about the simple message of
First Century Christianity. Back then it was all about following
Jesus, not starting a religion. Committed to restoring the unity of the
church through a return to the teachings of the New Testament,
Pastor Dan's
love for the people can be seen in his encouraging messages, his challenging teaching and in his personal service to
our congregation. “Dr. D” received his formal training at Mid
Atlantic Christian University (BA) and Emmanuel Christian Seminary
(M.Div, D.Min). He majored in New Testament studies and Church
History and wrote his dissertation about the value of small groups
in a traditional church. Pastor Dan, and his wife Hazel (a nurse)
have three children, Lori (a pastor’s wife and professor at ETSU),
Gretchen (on staff at OSU), and Benjamin (Masters student in
computers, ETSU), and four cats!